
Showing posts from November, 2022

RE Day

 Today, Year 3 and the rest of the school took part in an re day. Year 3 looked at angels and their importance in the nativity story. We also spoke about what we think angels are like and how different people see them as various beings.

Maths Multiplying by 8

 This morning Year 3 have been looking at the 8 timestables and multiplying by 8. 

Dojos dojos everywhere

 I am so proud of year 3 and their attitude when they were asked to complete an assessment today. Mrs Gregory asked them if all countries were the same and they came up with some great answers. See the list below.  They then answered the question in their own words and some drew their answers. Both classes were fantastic and were rewarded with dojos. 

French: lesson 3: using Combien

 Year 3 practised their song, numbers and vocabulary. They learnt how to say : how many in French - Combien . They then practised counting up the number of animals using combien and then answering the question, focusing on using -s to show more than one.