
Showing posts from March, 2023


Today, the children went out to the field and they had to decide where they would place a volcano in the school grounds and why. There were some amazing discussions as the children discussed how they would let the lava go into the sea so the lava would cool cool down quickly and cause less destruction. Others thought the best place would be in the middle of the field as this is the middle so there would be more space for the lava to travel. Another child thought they could put it near the sand pit as there is less items to burn over there. 

French: lesson 4: drawing a monster

 Year 3 sang their song and revised colours. They also revised parts of the body and had a go at reading a description of a monster and then drawing and colouring it in. 

Composite or shield?

 Today, the children looked at two different types of volcanoes: Composite and Shield.  Before they looked at the differences they were able to touch and see some cooled lava from Mt Vesuvius. A student in year 5, brought it in to show the younger children. Thank you so much for this. A composite volcano has steep sides and it erupts violently with an ash cloud and sticky lava. A shield volcano is shaped like a dome and it erupts more often. The lava is runny and spreads over the land. 

RE- Hindu Workshop


French: lesson 3: labelling parts of the body

Year 3 sang their song, revised colours from the previous lesson, played -Jaques a-dit - Simon Says and revised parts of the body.  They then labelled a picture of Homer and drew a a picture of a face, colouring it in given colours - this was a listening activity.