
Showing posts from December, 2022

French: How the French celebrate Christmas 🎅

 Year 3 learnt some Christmas vocabulary and listened to a Christmas story about Santa who was sick at Christmas. His reindeer collected children in their sleighs. Each child brought Santa a gift - a different Christmas story. They listened to French Christmas carols whilst they completed worksheets. 

PE- Outdoor Handball

 As a result of our amazing Christmas show, we had our PE lesson outside today and played handball. We got stuck in straight away and our ball throws in athletics have definitely been paying off! 

English- Rock Stories

 Year 3 have been busy today and yesterday writing their own stories based on famous rocks from around the world. The giants causeway, the needles and the Grand Canyon have been featured! 

Art Pattern - Orla Kiely

 Today year 3 have started a new unit, exploring patterns and the work of famous artist Orla Kiely. We created fact file pages using some of the facts that we have learnt this lesson. 

French: lesson 4: numbers 1-12

 Today year 3 practised their song and numbers 1-12. They then had a go at completing a numbers word search.