
Showing posts from February, 2023

PSHE- online bullying

 This week in PSHE, Year 3 looked at online bullying and some of the positives and negatives of going online. The children created a table of ideas and took turns in explaining them to the class.

PE- Circuits

Today, in their first PE lesson back, Year 3 took on some very tricky circuit exercises. We had a focus on muscle groups and how these muscles can help us with different sports. We looked at squats, shoulder presses and planks- to name a few.   

Why would people choose to live near a volcano?

 After recapping the different features of a volcano, the children discussed why people might choose to live near a volcano. There were some amazing conversations throughout the class. They had a vote and most of the children decided they would not like to live near a volcano. From there, they identified why people choose to live there: minerals can be found in the Earth; fertile soil allows the right conditions to grow fruit and vegetables; geothermal energy allows the magma to heat water and provide houses with natural heating; tourism is huge as many people come to see the sights, mud pools, steam vents and swimming spots.  Finally, the children looked at the different animals and plants that can be found both in Hawaii and the Galápagos Islands which are both made from volcanoes. 

English- ugly diaries

 This week, we have been writing our ugly animal diaries pretending to react to release of the ugly animal book. We have positive reactions and negative ones, with some very emotive and dramatic language.

French: lesson 5 : birthday invitations

 Year 3 revised all the work they’ve done this half term. They also listened to a story about a birthday and sang happy birthday in French. They then wrote out a birthday invitation.

French: lesson 4:birthdays

 Year 3 revised numbers to 20, months of the year and saying how old they are. They then learnt how to ask each other when their birthdays are and to reply. They then wrote sentences using their knowledge of months and numbers.