
Showing posts from October, 2023

French : lesson 4 : numbers

 Year 3 practised their song and learnt numbers 1-10, which they sang. They then matched the numbers and completed  a crossword.

French : lesson 3: Je m’appelle

 Year 3 sang their song and practised greetings and greeting each other. They then learnt Je m’appelle and asked each other their names in French. They sang a Je m’appelle and two little birds song in French. 

Ash and Apple Class WB 25/9

 Take a look at all the brilliant learning that has taken place this week.  This morning in Maths Year 3 were adding one’s onto three digit numbers using Dienes to  support them.  Apple class have also spent some time in the Library this morning. 

European day of languages- German

   The European day of languages is celebrated every year on the 26 September. Year 3 found out about Germany, German food and  culture and learnt some German greetings and numbers. They then created a visual fact file about what they had  learnt. 

French:lesson 2: Greetings

 Year 3 revised the previous weeks work. They then practised greeting their partner, sang a new song and listened to a song recognising the j sound.