
Showing posts from June, 2023

French: lesson 4: to act out a story

 Year 3 revised the Jack and the beanstalk vocabulary and listened to a different version of the story. They then verbally translated parts of the story. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to act out the story. We will do that next week. 

Computing - Stop Motion Animation

 Today in Computing, we have been using the skills learnt this term to make stop motion animations. We have found out about the importance of frames, steady cameras and onion skinning! Using all of these techniques, we were challenged to design and make the ultimate animation. We then evaluated our work and made changes where needed!

French: lesson 3: Jack and the beanstalk

Year 3 sang their song. They told their partner the story of Jack in the Beanstalk in English. They then listened to the story in French. They then labelled the images using  Jack in the beanstalk vocabulary.   

French: lesson 2: J’aime and Je n’aime pas

Year 3 sang their song and practised using J’aime and Je n,aime pas to give their opinion about whether they liked a particular vegetable. They had a conversation with their partner. They then wrote some sentences expressing their opinions.   

French: lesson 1: Ca pousse

Year 3 started their new topic all about growing things. They learnt a new song and vegetable vocabulary. They then drew pictures of different vegetables and labelled them.